Helena Baker, Chodouň 82, 267 51 Zdice, Czech Rep. tel: +420 606 751 845 email: helena@bakerwine.cz
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Bakerwine offer

Unique opportunity to purchase wine to celebrate 20 years of the Velvet Revolution!

Special offer from a privately owned cellar

"Cuvée Jérémy" Kuentz-Bas
Sélection de grains nobles
AOC Alsace Grand Cru - Pfersigberg

Vintage 1989
Limited edition
grapes harvested 17th November 1989
(shown on the label)

Last bottles remaining (in perfect condition from private collection, cellared and generally well looked after) from this renowned producer are released for sale on the occasion of celebrating 20th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution.  

Recent tasting notes and price available on request.

Write to us. 

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