Helena Baker, Chodouň 82, 267 51 Zdice, Czech Rep. tel: +420 606 751 845 email: helena@bakerwine.cz
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Translations into Czech

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book

Over 10.5 million copies sold worldwide

31th Edition - as translated by Helena Baker

Hugh Johnson is the world's pre-eminent writer on wine.  First published in 1977, his Pocket Wine Book sells hundreds of thousands of copies a year worldwide.  His winning formula of personal insight and critical appraisal of the world of wine, plus valuable vintage news and numerous wine recommendations has been often imitated but never bettered.

30th Edition - published 7th August 2007

This special anniversary edition comes with Hugh Johnson's personal review of the last thirty years, wines to drink in 2007 and vintages to keep, up-to-date information on more than 6000 wines and producers, with fully revised regional reviews and detailed maps, essential food and wine matching tips and quick reference vintage charts.  It is the orginal and still the best!

"The bestselling wine book of all." (The Observer)

"No guide is friendlier... a micro-encyclopedia for novices and experts." (The New York Times)

Other titles translated by Helena Baker are:

Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book 2003, 2004 and 2005




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