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Ladies of Wine

A circle of female wine lovers and professionals with actress Iva Janľurová at its helm

The circle Ladies of Wine met on 28th May at the Troja Castle in the Museum and Wine Shop managed by Alena Týmová-Malcová.  A colourful programme was prepared by Iva Janľurová in collaboration with Tamara Semeljic representing a French wine importer Vins le Bourgin whose sommelier presented us the following wines:

Chablis 2006 William Fèvre
Bourgogne Chardonnay La Vignée 2005 Bouchard Père et Fils
Les Fumées Blanches Sauvignon 2005 Jacques et François Lurton
Bourgogne Pinot Noir La Vignée 2005 Bouchard Père et Fils
Côtes du Rhône Villages - Rasteau 2005 M. Chapoutier
Fitou Cuvée des Ardoises 2005 Jacques et François Lurton
Château Roc Taillade, Médoc 2002

Apart from the above samples we also tasted Sauvignon 2006 and Cabernet Sauvignon 2004
from Hacienda Araucano of Jacques and François Lurton in Chile, also wines that were introduced by some of the ladies present (Frankovka 2000 Víno Mikulov, Spanish wines from our member Eva Petrová a last but not least some interesting local wines from the museum and wine shop run by our hostess Alena Malcová-Týmová, including a cherry mead which went extremely well with the strawberry cake at the end of the session.

The next meeting will take place on 11th June at the Lions Den (Lví dvur) restaurant at Prague Castle.

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