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The Prague Wine Society

Association of wine lovers in Prague, locals and expats

The Prague Wine Society was founded in 1994 by Laure Ambroise, a French oenologist at the time working at Lobkowicz Winery in Melnik, English lawyer Duncan Weston of Cameron McKenna international law firm and Scotsman Ed Gemmell of Eurosport Marketing. It is an association for all friends of good wine. Czech nationals as well as foreigners living and working in and around Prague enjoy meeting regularly and tasting the best Prague has to offer. On my arrival in the Czech Republic in 1995 I was invited to add my voice to those of the founding members in the capacity of a wine expert and consultant.

The Prague Wine Society organises regular events, such as theme wine tastings, gourmet dinners, buffets or banquets in collaboration with top restaurants and hotels. The tastings are organised either in the form of tutored seminars for small groups of wine enthusiasts or else grand events catering for 200 or more participants. Among the most famous of these were those that took place in the Hungarian Embassy or the residence of the Ambassador of the USA, in the grounds of Vilémov castle belonging to Baron Reisky, in the main hall of Živnostenská Banka and in the French Institute, the majority with the active support of the venues in question. Membership to the Prague Wine Society is free, the only requirement being an e-mail address for the purpose of sending out invitations (of course, where food and wine costs are involved, individual contributions will be necessary).

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