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Cembrit a.s.

Wine for Christmas or a poisoned chalice?

Anyone would be attracted by a pre-Christmas order from a company that wants to buy 1,000 bottles of Moravian wine...  There is a snag, however.  The secretary requests a number of crates of tasting samples featuring several grape varieties from a number of winemakers, which you then have to transport to the company headquarters, so the company's directors can have a "party" while choosing one white and one red wine for which they will put in an order for 500 bottles of each.  Once or twice it will work well, but don't push your luck, as they say...    

This "largest producer of fibre-cement roofs and cladding systems in central Europe", as the company trumpets itself on its web pages, does not evidently have enough decency or sufficient funds to pay for the samples and your time spent on the motorways between Moravia and Beroun, where the firm has its base and to which you are delivering (even on one occasion to the private address of one of the directors...).  They do, however, like to include your samples in their pre-christmas shindig even though they already know they will place their big order elsewhere... Wine producers and merchants, the Chrismas season will soon be upon us once again, so be warned - they are timewasters! 

PS - we need a new roof and our cellar in Moravia requires a new façade, but we decidedly won't be going to purchase the materials from Cembrit...

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