Helena Baker, Chodouň 82, 267 51 Zdice, Czech Rep. tel: +420 606 751 845 email: helena@bakerwine.cz
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Wine Tour

Saint Vincent Festival in Burgundy - every year!

Il était une fois a Mâcon...

Festival This popular festival is back and the 2009 edition is being held in the capital of southern Burgundy - Mâcon and a nearby wine village of  Pierreclos, as well as in a smaller commune of Chardonnay, which gave name to the most popular grape variety in the world.  We will be staying, as always, in the Beaune Motel and in the region of  Côte de Beaune we are planning to visit our winemakers as usual.  They are in Pommard, Saint-Aubin, Saint-Romain and Beaune. The programme is now being prepared.

See also my articles on the Saint Vincent Festival in the Prague Post on http://www.praguepost.com/articles/2007/02/07/winter-excursion.php, as well as the official Saint-Vincent-Tournante web site:

Tentative programme:  Departure Prague Thursday 22nd January in the evening.  Friday visits to Domaine Vaudoisey-Creusefond, Pommard and Domaine Henri & Gilles Buisson, Saint-Romain. On Saturday we will part-take in the Saint Vincent celebrations in Pierreclos and Chardonnay and on Sunday we will visit the capital of burgundian wine - Beaune before returning to Prague where ETA is in the early morning hours on Monday, 26th January.

Write to us.

Watch this space !

See also:  http://www.ovine.cz/index2.php?

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