Helena Baker, Chodouň 82, 267 51 Zdice, Czech Rep. tel: +420 606 751 845 email: helena@bakerwine.cz
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Czech Wine Guide A-Z
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Education and Lecturing

Wine courses and seminars

Wine courses are over a seven-week period, a typical programme for which is as follows:

  • (1)  Familiarisation with the main grape varieties including a
       comparison of wines produced therefrom in different regions of
       the world (e.g. Cabernet Sauvignon from the Czech Republic
       versus Cabernet Sauvignon from France or Argentina)

(2)  Introduction to the principal wine regions of France

(3)  Bordeaux versus Burgundy

(4)  Wines of Italy

(5)  Wines of Spain and Portugal

(6)  Wines of Germany and Austria

(7)  Wines of the New World 

At the end of the last session a short written test and a blind tasting will take place.

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